Said Gary Mitchell, Cormar’s distribution manager: “The extra 12 vehicles represent an investment of over £1.5m as part of the rolling annual fleet replacement programme. This is on top of the major multi-million-pound investment in the Southern Regional Distribution centre at Hemel Hempstead and the redevelopment of our brand look and identity.
Further customised adaptations to the cabs include extra driver safety features –improved lighting, non-slip flooring plus adapted ladders and handles for safer and more efficient handling.
“The new vehicles will optimise the fleet, meeting the increase in demand in the peak period up to Christmas and ensure we maintain our high standards of service for our retail customers. With over 170,000 deliveries per year, the fleet needs constant investment to ensure that Cormar are number one in the carpet trade for service and reliability.”
It was over five decades ago that Cormar decided to make door-to-door delivery to retailers part of its service. Now from its base in Bury, Lancashire and it’s newly built southern distribution centre in Hemel Hempstead, Cormar delivers right across the UK direct to retailers and also through 27 strategically located collection centres, offering a 48-hour nationwide turnaround service to customers.